Discover the MOOD collection belongingtoPorcelanosa Bathrooms by Noken as you had never seen it before.Thanks to this Augmented Reality APP you could get in touchwiththe elements of MOOD, a bathroom concept integrated by thefuturistand elegant brassware line, and the modern andfunctionalsanitaryware line. Being designed by Luis Vidal +Architects andRogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, MOOD collection willprovide thebathroom with elegance and differential.This APP offers a great range of content that will allow theuserto learn about the collection, from the conception of thecollectionitself by the designers, interviews with Luis vidal andRichardRogers, since the final product, 3D modelling, videosandhyperealistic infographics.Download the APP for free. Take your iPad, focus it towardsthediverse markers and enjoy de MOOD experience.The markers are available at www.noken.com/a-r.
KRION® - Solid Surface 1.0.1
KRION® Porcelanosa Solid Surface is a solid surface of newgeneration.
ISA Porcelanosa 1.9
Scan the barcodes of our PORCELANOSA products and enjoy theexperience.
Porcelanosa 1.6.7
Porcelanosa interactive catalogue
Porcelanosa Welcome Back 1.0.1
Welcome Back es un programa de fidelización compuesto por 8ventajasque refuerzan la comercialización de los alojamientos alcomercial yaportan un alto valor añadido al cliente final.Porcelanosa Grupopone a disposición del cliente final un equipocreativo deprofesionales especializados en diferentes campos. Deesta forma elcliente particular puede disfrutar de un proyecto dealta calidad ala vez que puede visualizar el proyecto cuandotodavía está enproceso de ejecución.
Porcelanosa VR 3.1.0
Discover Porcelanosa as you've never done.
Porcelanosa Welcome Back Spaces
Combine as you like with Welcome Back Spaces.
Configurator spaces and environments Porcelanosa Group
L'ac 3.2.7
L’AC’s new interactive catalog will allow you to discovernaturalproducts
XTONE Porcelanosa Grupo 1.2.1
XTONE catalog: the products in the large format range ofthePorcelanosa Group